Ah, summer. Long days full of blazing sunshine, a gentle breeze wafting across the sandy beach, perhaps a stroll along the promenade for an ice cream. 

*checks notes*

Ah. That’s except for viewers in Scotland, who will have to put up with the usual torrential rain, gale force winds blowing wet sand into their face, and being divebombed by seagulls intent on stealing your soggy chips.

Regardless, we decided it would be a smashing idea to do a Summer Special in the mould of the old Radio 1 Roadshow and so, unlike previous summer specials which were just regular studio shows with copious sound effects overlaid on them, this year we actually went out for real to record on the beach in North Berwick. Join us as we play a load of summery ’80s records, reminisce about the summers of our youth (and those of our listeners) and, because it’s the summer roadshow, play Bits and Pieces!

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