Wednesday 19 November 1980

By producercat

Feeling like a number one? Then why not go now so that you can listen to this week’s Off The Chart in comfort? We’re going all the way back to 1980 and playing some of the more obscure and baffling hits from the Record Business singles chart, including something that is not, by any stretch…

Wednesday 10 September 1980

By producercat

Regrettably, we’re going all the way back to 1980 on this week’s Off The Chart as we take on the Record Business chart from forty-four years ago this week. That inevitably means a number of hits from the bottom of the RB top 100 that never got a sniff of the Official top 75, but…

Wednesday 2 July 1980

By producercat

As we ease over the hill into the second half of the year, rest assured that everything on this week’s Off The Chart is at least forty-four years old and the passage of time is therefore ultimately meaningless. Yes, it’s 1980 this week, and we’ve trawled the Record Business singles chart to bring you your…

Wednesday 23 April 1980

By producercat

Brace yourselves, we’re going all the way back to 1980 on this week’s Off The Chart! Join us for two hours of obscure, forgotten and neglected hits, tracks from three of the week’s new albums, a look at the day’s news, TV, radio and gigs, the Mystery Cover Version, an actually quite nice if unexpected…

Leap Year Chart Research Addendum

By producercat

Um, yeah, look, there’s been a bit of a cock-up. Not our fault, really, but adding in an extra day last week because of the leap year has thrown everything out of whack, with the result that the day we should be covering today, 5 March 1986, is a day we already did five years…