Thursday 26 March 1987

By producercat

This week’s Off The Chart drags you kicking and screaming back to today in 1987, for the usual two hours of obscure, neglected and forgotten hits, plus three new entries from the album chart, a look at what was going on around us, a hit from the Japanese chart and the top five in full.…

Tuesday 14 November 1989

By producercat

We’re approaching the end of the 1980s again on this week’s Off The Chart as we take on the chart from today in 1989! Between closing off the decade and previewing the new one with the usual two hours of obscure, forgotten and neglected hits, we’ll have all the usual features including tracks from three…

Thursday 18 July 1985

By producercat

It’s the end of the dexy, it’s the middle of summer and we’re five days too late for Live Aid, but we’re going back to this day in 1985 anyway on Off The Chart! As always we’ll have two hours of obscure, forgotten and neglected hits mixed with three tracks from the album chart, a…

Friday 10 January 1986

By producercat

We’re safely back in pre-recorded mode this week on Off The Chart after last week’s live shenanigans, as we look at the UK singles chart from today in 1986. We’ll have the usual supply of obscure, forgotten and neglected hits, plus tracks from three of the week’s new albums, a look at the day’s events,…

Off The Chart Gold: Saturday 13 August 1983

By producercat

Only another few weeks until Steve and Julian return from their extended summer break, but in the meantime we’ve got another Off The Chart Gold looking at 1983! As always we’re bringing you two hours of hits, headlines and hoovering from thirty-nine years ago, including a load of hits you haven’t heard for ages (if…