Saturday 4 April 1987

By producercat

Believe it or not Off The Chart has now been running for seven whole years and shows no signs of stopping or getting any better. On this week’s birthday show we drag you back to this day in 1987 for the usual two hours of obscure, forgotten and neglected hits, plus tracks from three of…

Wednesday 29 November 1989

By producercat

Whether or not the football is finished on time, we’ll be here as usual with Off The Chart! This week we’re going back to this day in 1989, with the usual two hours of obscure, neglected and forgotten hits, tracks from three of the week’s new albums, a round-up of the day’s events, a hit…

Sunday 8 February 1987

By producercat

We’re grabbing you by the scruff of the neck and dragging you back 35 years on this week’s Off The Chart so you can face the music from this week in 1987. As always we’ll be scraping the UK singles chart for a sample of hits you don’t hear very often, and sprinkling in three…

Monday 21 September 1987

By producercat

We’ve crammed a surprising amount into this week’s Off The Chart, including a metric shedload of obscure, forgotten and overlooked hits from this day in 1987. We’ve also shoehorned in three of the week’s new albums, a round-up of the day’s events, a track from the Canadian chart and a song from a John Peel…

Wednesday 16 February 1987

By producercat

It’s 1987 all over again on this week’s Off The Chart as we uncover some of the week’s hits that you haven’t heard for years, if ever. As usual we’ll be peppering them with three of the week’s big new albums, a review of the day’s goings-on and, despite popular demand, a look at the…