Friday 14 May 1982

By producercat

We’ve always said Off The Chart is the ’80s chart show with a twist, but there’s a really big huge proper unexpected twist on this week’s show, as we’re not looking at the Official Chart for today in 1982, but one from a rival magazine that’s a full top 100 and everything! That means we’ll…

Wednesday 23 April 1980

By producercat

Brace yourselves, we’re going all the way back to 1980 on this week’s Off The Chart! Join us for two hours of obscure, forgotten and neglected hits, tracks from three of the week’s new albums, a look at the day’s news, TV, radio and gigs, the Mystery Cover Version, an actually quite nice if unexpected…

Saturday 24 October 1981

By producercat

42 is, of course, the answer to life, the universe and everything. It’s also a frighteningly large number of years, but that’s how far we’re going back in time on this week’s Off The Chart! Join Steve and Julian for two hours of obscure, forgotten and neglected hits, plus tracks from three of the week’s…

Sunday 1 August 1982

By producercat

Even though you can still hear Steve on the show, he’s on holiday this week so this is a generic placeholder description for this week’s Off The Chart! Nevertheless you can still get your weekly fill of obscure, neglected and forgotten hits from this week in 1982, along with a look at the day’s events,…

Friday 11 July 1980

By producercat

It’s episode 369 of Off The Chart, but there will be no geese drinking wine, and monkeys chewing tobacco on the streetcar line is right out. However, we will be bringing you a load of obscure, neglected and forgotten hits from today in 1980, as well as a look at what was going on in…